Enrollment & Registration

enrollment for new students

New to the district? Please Complete the IUSD district enrollment process by clicking here. To complete STEP 3 of the enrollment process, please call the front office at the school to make an appointment.

Select exploratory courses 2025-26

Exploratory Course selection has begun for returning Lakeside Middle School Students. Please communicate with our assistant principal, Joe Ziemann, at joeziemann@iusd.org if you have not received a link to the form.

Below is a tutorial video explaining how to fill the exploratory course request form.

Link to 2025-2026 Exploratory Course Request Form Tutorial

Incoming 7th grade students will have access to the form following 6th grade parent night in April. 

INCOMING parent night information 

Welcome to Lakeside, home of the Mariners!  We are looking forward to the 2025/26 school year with your student!  We are very excited to be able to hold our 6th Grade Parent Night and 6th Grade Student Tour this year, both on Wednesday, April 16th.  

6th Grade Parent Night Schedule (no students)

  • 5:30-6:15pm:  East Shore Elem & Stone Creek Elem Parents
  •  6:30-7:15pm:  Oak Creek Elem & All other Elementary Parents
  • 2023-24 Parent Presentation Link (a copy of the presentation will be linked here)

6th Grade Student Tour 

  • Students from East Shore, Stone Creek, and Oak Creek elementary attend with their teachers
  • Morning presentation and tour led by current Lakeside students 
  • If your child currently attends a different elementary school but you would like for them to attend, please click here to complete a request form to have them attend:  https://tinyurl.com/LMS6thgradenonfeeder

Want more information about Lakeside?  Follow us on Instagram @lakeside_iusd and @lakeside.asb

Data Confirmation

The Data Confirmation process will begin in August. Information will be sent to parents and posted here at a later date.