Woodbridge High School Registration at Lakeside
Students attending Woodbridge High School for the 2019-2020 school year will turn in their registration materials on Monday, April 29th , which is an early out day, during the following times (based on birthday MONTH) at Lakeside in the Media Center:
1:15-2:00…birth dates Jan-April (student only)
2:00-2:45… birth dates May-Aug (student only)
2:45-3:30…birth dates Sept-Dec (student only)
*Please note: On Wednesday 4/17/2019, from 8:00a.m. – 9:00a.m., there will be a separate Counselor/Parent Q&A Session held in the Lakeside Media Center
Due to time constraints, in-depth conversations about high school course planning and post-high school goal setting will not occur at this event. However, information about course sequencing beyond the 9th grade and college planning will occur throughout your students’ 4 years at Woodbridge High School via counselor led parent workshops and individual and group conferences. Counselors will also be available during summer registration, in August, to address questions related to course placement and selection.
If you need further information about the registration process, feel free to contact your child’s counselor
(last names A-I: whitneybarro@iusd.org; last names J-Z: sabrinavillalobos@iusd.org)
Registration for all other Irvine high schools is by appointment and students will register at the high school location during their scheduled times.