IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE (IVC) AND THE IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (IUSD) are excited to provide the IVC/IUSD Summer College program for summer…
April 12: 8th grade parent/family night @ all IUSD high schools (attend the high you are assigned to)
April 14: Parent Q & A Session…
The City of Irvine recognizes young people as valued and capable members of our community. The goal of the Middle School Program is to engage…
IUSD’s Annual Survey is open through Friday, January 27.
Mindful Mondays is a weekly series led by IUSD administrators, teachers and staff to help students cultivate the attitudes, skills and knowledge …
If you were not able to take your yearbook/ ID photo at orientation, you will be taking makeup pictures on Sept 15 during the school day. Use this…
IUSD is excited to extend a warm welcome to our new and returning students and families. If you need information about your…
The Irvine Unified School District, in partnership with the Irvine Public Schools Foundation, is hosting Ask-A-Scientist/…
Congratulations to our Science Olympiad Team for the 2022-2023 school year! Our students studied, took an entrance exam (either in person or…
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